Category: Commercial condominiums

Just what is a professional condo? 

“Leasehold condominium” means a condominium in all or any portion of which each unit owner owns an estate for years in his unit, or in the land within which that unit is situated, or both, with all such leasehold interests due to expire naturally at the same time. A condominium including leased land, or an interest in such land, within which no units are situated or to be situated is not a leasehold condominium within the meaning of this chapter. 90 percent of fire and water restoration contractors are sold fundamentally defective general liability insurance programs for fungi/mold/bacteria/Category 3 water remediation related job sites. Yes, you read that right, technically all claims from these job sites become excluded by the fungi/bacteria exclusion in the GL policy, not just claims arising from actual exposure to these contaminates. Even the highest quality CEL policy cannot fix this fundamental coverage flaw in the general liability insurance policy.